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Changemaker works creatively and politically to change the causes of injustice and poverty in the world. Our members are between the ages of 13 to 30, with religious and political affiliations. We work actively with development policy in Norway. 


Injustice is a problem created by humans, and some people can solve it. Changemaker works to put the spotlight on the problems, find the solutions, and influence the politicians to implement them. 


Changemaker always tries to convey complicated topics in simple and fun ways. The politics are prepared in the different political committees. Then we create exciting campaigns to create awareness around the issues. 


We have campaigns, give lectures, create information material, collect signatures, arrange debates, concerts, film screenings, and more. In addition, we are visible in the political arena by attending lobby meetings, meeting politicians, providing input to the government or city council, and working closely with Norway's negotiators during international negotiations. 


With around 1 100 members and even more active local groups all over Norway, we are the largest youth organization that focus solely on development policy.


Norwegian Church Aid is our mother organization. Norwegian Church Aid is one of Norway's largest aid organizations and works with emergency aid during disasters, long-term aid, and political influence. Changemaker only works with political influence here in Norway. Read more about Norwegian Church Aid 




Find updated contact information here.


Changemaker is a SAFE organization where everyone should feel welcome and included. SAFE! / (Norwegian: TRYGG!) is an initiative from LNU, or NCNYO – the National Council for Norwegian Children and Youth Organizations. The goal of SAFE! is that all organizations must provide a safe framework for children and young people's leisure activities. Sexual abuse and sexual harassment should not take place! Changemaker has its own routines for its SAFE! work that can be read under Changemaker's ethical guidelines. 


Here you find information about; 

  • How you can notify 

  • What notification includes 

  • Changemakers ethical guidelines 

  • Contact information for our SAFE-managers 


How do I notify Changemaker? 

Changemaker is a safe organization where the individual's integrity and boundaries are respected. Equality is an important value for Changemaker. We distance ourselves from all negative discrimination, harassment, and bullying. If you or anyone else experiences something that is not right or contrary to our guidelines we want you to report it. It is important to us that you notify us so that we have the opportunity to do something about what has happened and prevent it from happening again! 


What does notifying mean? 

To give notice is to report something that is not right, something that feels uncomfortable or frightening or actions that are illegal. 


What can I notify about? 

You can tell about something you have experienced yourself or that has happened to others, something you have been told or that you have seen. You can notify regardless of whether the person who is exposed or who has done something is a member or employee of Changemaker. You can notify about things that have happened both inside and outside of Changemaker. 

You can report incidents you think are very serious or incidents which are not that dangerous, but still aren't okay. Nothing is too small or too big! 

Examples of critical matters you should report; 

  • Violation of Changemakers' guidelines (these can be found at the bottom of the page) 

  • Criminal offence 

  • Bullying 

  • Sexual harassment and abuse 

  • Discrimination and racism 

  • Economic default and corruption 


Who can notify? 

All members, representatives and others who have information about critical conditions in Changemaker can notify. 


How do I notify? 

You notify by telling the Secretary General in Changemaker. If the notice applies to the general secretary, tell the chairman of the board. If you find it difficult to notify alone, feel free to ask someone you trust to join you and notify.  Notifications can be made orally or in writing. You can write an e-mail, send a message, call or request a personal meeting to tell what has happened. Report in the way you that you feel the most comfortable! If you notify in writing, we appreciate that you let us know who you are, what you want to report and who has done what you want to notify. 


What happens when I have notified? 

Alerts in Changemaker are always taken seriously! It is mainly the general manager and chairman of the board who handle our notification cases. They are responsible for clarifying the case. 

Usually, they will have a conversation with you shortly after you submit the notice. Then they will talk to others who may know something about the case and the person/persons you have notified. After receiving as much information as possible, the general manager and chairman of the board will decide whether what has happened is a violation of Changemaker's guidelines, and what consequences it may have for those who have broken the guidelines. 

While the case is being handled, the general manager and chairman of the board will keep you updated on what happens. They will try to take care of you the best they can throughout the process. Notification cases will always be treated confidentially. 


What if employees are involved? 

If the notification case involves an employee, the employer by the Secretary General is who will handle the case in accordance with the labour law which rules in that area. 


Can I notify anonymously? 

When you give notice, we want you to tell us who you are, so that we can help you the best way possible and clarify the matter. You can read more about anonymous notification here. 

On you can read more about alerts and offensive behaviour. 


Do you want to talk about something? 

Have you experienced anything that felt uncomfortable? Whether it was in the local group, at camp, or with a member it is important that you contact the notification group in Changemaker. 

Contact general manager Camilla Rodø if you want to report something. 

Should the situation concern the general manager, contact manager Embla Regine Mathisen. 



Find updated contact information here.




As a member of Changemaker, you stand with many other young people in the fight for a fair and better world. You can become a member by SMS or on this page.  As a member, you support our work and make us even more powerful!  We may not have a lot of money, but we have a lot of good people! OF COURSE WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD! 


Join by SMS 

It's easy and fast — sign up by SMS and pay the membership fee of 50 kroner automatically! 

  1. Write a message with the word CHANGEMAKER. 

  2. Add: "your name, date of birth and year, e-mail, address and who you were recruited by" 

  3. Send to 2380 



Fill out this form


What does it mean to be a member? 

As a member of Changemaker, you stand with many other young people in the fight for a better world. The more members we have, the more impact we have. Our members pay an annual membership fee of 50 kroner, and then it is up to you what you want to do and how active you want to be in Changemaker! 


Good to know! 

  • To be a member, you must be between the age of 13 to 30. 

  • If you're under 15, you need a signature from your parents or legal guardian. You must download the form below, or get a letter in the mail with a pre-stamped form. Fill in with your parent or legal guardians signature and send back to us for your membership to be validated. 


As a member you'll receive; 

  • A welcome package 

  • A large network of other people who want to change the world 

  • The possibility to join Changemaker's events

  • The possibility to join a local or student group 


Consent form 


Join the team! If you have any questions, contact us by e-mail; 


Do you want to do more than just pay the membership fee? Then we have many options for you who want to be an active member! To get more information about your options, please send us a DM on social media (@changemakernor) or send us an e-mail at



A support for Changemaker is a support for a fairer world. You can become a permanent giver or give an amount when it suits you.  Support our work by giving a fixed amount per month or giving an amount when it suits you. 



Single gift 

If you want to give a gift or a single amount to support Changemaker's work, you can use the account number 1503 92 20706 or send a Vipps to 242600 . It is important that the payment is marked «Gift to Changemaker from…». We would like to thank you for your contribution, so we appreciate if you also send a message to the Secretariat to inform about the gift. 


Monthly gifts 

Become a changemaker no matter how old you are, by providing a monthly support to our work. It is up to you to decide how much you want to give — everything helps. We use AvtaleGiro. 


Recruitment is important! The more we are, the greater our impact. The number of members we have provides support to be able to continue to develop politics and campaigns. The person who recruits also receives amazing prizes. 


Questions about how many recruitment points you have, and a wish list with which prize(s) you want for your recruitments is sent to


This is how you recruit someone: 

  • Get your friend to send an SMS with the word CHANGEMAKER + "his / her name, date of birth, address, and e-mail + name of the person he/she was recruited by to 2380 (membership of NOK 50 is deducted from the phone bill, and your friend will receive a welcome pack in the mail shortly after). 

  • Or: Fill out the web form We send a giro of 50 NOK together with the welcome package your friend will receive in the mail. Remember to fill in your name in the "recruited by" field. 


Here are some good examples of who, where and how to recruit someone: 

  • Give lectures for your class! 

  • Put up a stand on the street, at your school or schools nearby! 

  • Write a message to your friends on Facebook! 

  • Recruit your siblings and their friends! 

  • Recruit your parents, grandmother or other adults as permanent givers! 


Over 30 years? 

You can still refer someone over 30 as givers to Changemaker! This way they'll participate and support the daily work and volunteer work of the organization. They choose an amount (over 100 NOK) to be deducted, and how often it'll happen. Have them fill out the form on the website.


Our graphic profile is found here.



Delivery address and visiting address: 

Bernhard Getz Gate 3 c/o Kirkens Nødhjelp Resepsjon, 0165 Oslo 

Postal address: Postboks 7100 St Olavs Plass, 0130 Oslo 

Organization number: 918982728 





Bernhard Getz' Gate 3, 0165 Oslo

Organisasjonsnummer: 918 982 728

  • alt.text.label.Instagram
  • alt.text.label.Facebook
  • alt.text.label.Twitter

© 2024 av Changemaker Norge.

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